All Classes and Interfaces

Renders a section of text in markdown as bold.
Implements a bulleted list
Prints out inline-text as a small code snippet, such as This.
An element that displays its contents within a code block.
Represents a header in a markdown document.
When thrown, indicates that the number of alignments passed into a table did not match the number of headers
When thrown, indicates that an illegal element was attempted to be passed as content of another element.
Indicates that an illegal header level was passed into the Header class
Displays an image within the document.
A base type for any element that can be inserted within a sentence, such as simple markups or similar items.
Renders some content in Italics
Creates a clickable link in the Markdown Document.
Abstract structure that represents an element that lists elements in a list-like structure
A MarkdownCompiler that first takes all objects passed in and compiles it to an array, only rendering them when requested.
Implements methods used within any markdown compiler.
Represents a markdown item, or component, that contains its own method of printing itself.
A builder, or writer, that implements methods for appending markdown elements, as well as the ability to directly append markdown elements
Represents markdown elements that indicates a simple markup syntax to the content text, such as **words** to indicate bold text.
Implements a numbered list.
Creates an element whose contents are crossed out, such as this.
A base class for any MarkdownElement that formats its contents into a structure-syntax, such as tables or lists.
Renders a Table in Markdown, including Headers and row-by-row contents
Represents the alignment value used for columns in a Table